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Solvent extraction plant/solvent extraction of vegetable oils video

The solvent extraction plants are used where oil is extracted from oil seeds like soybean, sunflower, cottonseed, other oil seeds and oil cakes like mustard cake, groundnut cake and rice bran.Compared with pressing, solvent extraction plant has higher oil yeild and lower labor cost with better work environment and better-quality cake.
There are 2 types of solvent extraction plant, direct solvent extraction and pre-pressing extraction. Direct solvent extraction is always used for low-oil-content oil seeds, while pre-pressing extraction is used for high-oil-content oil seeds.

solvent extraction plant

Main equipment of solvent extraction plant

The process of solvent extraction plant results into a solution of the oil in solvent by diffusing solvent into the oil- bearing of raw materials. Different types of solvents can be used for this purpose, but among all those, hexane is extensively used in the solvent extraction due to its low boiling point.


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