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Solvent extraction machine for vegetable oil video

After palm kernel oil and soybean oil pre-pressed, pressed palm kernel cake and soybean cake will be delivered to solvent extraction machine to extract oil with solvent inside oil extractor, after extraction, will get mixed oil and wet meal. Mixed oil will be separated with solvent by multi-effective evaporators. Wet meal will be dried and separated with solvent inside desolventizer. Solvent will be collected and reused through condensers.

Solvent extraction machine is one of important process of vegetable oil production. We can choose proper solvent extraction machine according to production capacity.

solvent extraction machine

Solvent extraction process for pam kernel oil and soybean oil

Major processes of solvent extraction machine:

1. Oil extraction process
2. Steam removal process
3. Evaporation process
4. Solvent cooling and water separation process
5. Tail gas absorption process

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