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Can the solvent extracted oil be eaten directly? What kind of cooking oil manufacturing machine is needed?

As we all know, there are two ways to extract edible oil, one is traditional oil press, and the other is chemical solvent extraction. Can solvent extracted oil be eaten straight away? What kind of cooking oil making machine do you need? Let's talk about it today.

Cooking oil processing machine photoCooking oil processing machine photo

First of all, I would like to introduce the process of solvent extraction and edible oil making machine. Solvent extraction includes the pre-pressing plant, we call it pretreatment, firstly through pretreatment to extract part of the oil in the oil, and the remaining filter cake enters the solvent extractor to extract the oil.

The first part is the rotary extractor, which is one of the most important equipment in the whole plant. After mixing the oilseed and n-hexane well for 2 hours, you will get the oil mixed with solvent, we call it blended oil and wet powder.

Rotocel extractor and desolventizer toaster photo.jpgRotocel extractor and desolventizer toaster photo

The second step is wet powder treatment, wet powder contains about 25%-35% solvent content. And this part of the solvent can be recycled and reused, so we use DTDC--desolventizer-toaster to separate the solvent from the powder.

The third step is to evaporate and strip the solvent. We use primary evaporator, secondary evaporator, stripping tower and other equipment to completely evaporate the solvent in the oil to obtain clean oil.

The last part is solvent recovery, which mainly uses the condenser to convert the gaseous solvent into a liquid state, and uses the water distribution tank to recover the solvent for recycling.

So, is solvent-extracted oil safe to eat? After a series of treatments, the oil also contains a small amount of solvents and other impurities that may affect human health. Therefore, if your oil meets the edible standard, it must be further refined through an edible oil refiner. After degumming, deacidification, decolorization and deodorization, refined edible oil is obtained.

Cooking oil refining machine photo.jpgCooking oil refining machine photo

We are Henan Glory Company, affiliated to Doing Holdings. We are mainly engaged in edible oil pretreatment, pressing, refining, solvent extraction, dewaxing, palm oil and palm kernel oil pressing, refining and fractionation, etc. Our company has the most advanced palm oil and edible oil pressing production technology, and undertakes cooking oil production lines of various scales. If you are interested, please contact us.

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