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How many types of vegetable oil making machine are there for sale?

Vegetable oil will use different types of vegetable oil making machine in the process of pressing. There are four types of vegetable oil making machine are there for sale, which are screw vegetable oil making machine, automatic temperature control vegetable oil making machine, automatic temperature control vacuum filter all-in-one vegetable oil making machine and large vegetable oil making machine. Let’s share how to choose the most suitable vegetable oil making machine for your business according to different raw materials and processing capacity. 

Screw vegetable oil making machine

The screw vegetable oil making machine is a continuous oil press equipment that uses the screw shaft to rotate in the press cage to push the material embryo, while squeezing into cakes and extruding oil. The intuitive characteristics of screw vegetable oil making machine are continuous production, large single-machine processing capacity, adaptability to various oils, dynamic pressing, frictional heating, short pressing time, high oil yield, easy crushing of cake, and labor-intensive operation is low. 

Screw vegetable oil making machine photoScrew vegetable oil making machine photo

Automatic temperature control vegetable oil making machine

The automatic temperature control vegetable oil making machine is a kind of oil press machine used to produce pressed vegetable oil. Compared with the traditional vegetable oil making machine, the advantage of the automatic temperature control vegetable oil making machine is that it uses an electric heating coil device to heat the press, and uses the automatic temperature control function to replace the conventional way of starting the machine by pressing the material to heat up, shortening the preheating time, so that the press can quickly and normally produce, reducing energy consumption and machine wear. It is mainly suitable for small and medium-sized vegetable oil processing plants. 

Automatic temperature control vegetable oil making machine photoAutomatic temperature control vegetable oil making machine photo

Automatic temperature control vacuum filter all-in-one vegetable oil making machine

The automatic temperature control vacuum filter all-in-one vegetable oil making machine is a popular vegetable oil press in the market, mainly composed of a temperature control system, an oil pressing part and a filtering part. Compared with the automatic temperature-controlled vegetable oil making machine, the automatic temperature-controlled vacuum filter integrated vegetable oil making machine adds a crude oil vacuum filter. Use the built-in vacuum pump to vacuum and filter the crude oil, making the production of vegetable oil more integrated and efficient. In the process of using the automatic temperature control vacuum filter integrated vegetable oil press machine to press vegetable oil, the automatic temperature control system is first turned on to make the inside of the oil press reach a temperature suitable for oil pressing, and then the oil is transported into the press chamber for pressing. The pressed vegetable oil is filtered through a filter, and the residue is removed to obtain pure vegetable oil. 

Automatic temperature control vacuum filter all-in-one vegetable oil making machine photoAutomatic temperature control vacuum filter all-in-one vegetable oil making machine photo

Large vegetable oil making machine

Large vegetable oil making machine is a kind of continuous screw vegetable oil making machine, which is suitable for the pre-pressing process of the solvent extraction oil plant or the one-time pressing process of the general vegetable oil plant. It is suitable for an oil plant with large processing capacity. It is an indispensable ideal equipment for the oil processing plant. (Recommend reading: Oil solvent extraction plant

To know more information about the vegetable oil making machine, feel free to contact Henan Glory Company.

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