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How vegetable oil to our dining table? One way is oil press

Oil press mainly means by a physical pressing way to extract vegetable oil. Vegetable oil is a daily consumption, it is very important to our health. So the vegetable oil press plant is everywhere over the world and is spreading everyday. To know how to process oil is helpful for everyone. There usually are two kinds of mature technology to extract oil. One is oil pressing, another is solvent extraction way. Pressing way is the most traditional way to get oil. It is the most direct, simple, and safe way to get oil. The vegetable oil get from pressing way is more natural, which means it contains most of the original nutrition in the oil seeds, like protein, Lecithin, vitamin etc without being broken. Oil press way has its limitation, the oil residue usually is 5%-7%, if the capacity is large, and the oil residue would be a loss.

cooking oil pressing machine

The above is cooking oil pressing machine, pressing way is the most traditional way to get oil
Before we press oil seeds for oil, there is oilseeds pretreatment process to make the oil seeds at the best condition for oil. Usually it is cleaning, water and temperature conditioning, flaking, cooking etc.
Cleaning means to remove the impurity in the oil seeds, like stones, metals, crop straws etc. water and temperature conditioning means to adjust the water content of the oil seeds and cooking or softening to make the oil seeds easily extract oil. Flaking means to make the big oil seeds to be small pieces for easily be pressed for oil. After oilseeds pretreatment process, we could press oil seeds for oil now. After pressing we could get natural crude vegetable oil. Some kind of oil can be edible after simple filter, like sesame oil, peanut oil we Chinese traditionally edible vegetable oil. Other oils may contain some harmful matters, it need further refinery to be edible, like cotton seed oil, sunflower seed oil, rape seed oil, corn germ oil etc.

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