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How are edible oils extracted from plants?

In our daily life, the edible oils are necessary for cooking. Common used edible oils are soybean oil, groundnut oil, sunflower oil, rapeseed oil, etc. Do you know how are edible oils extracted from these plants? Now, Henan Glory Company introduces the methods of oil extraction from plants to you.

In general, the methods of oil extraction from plants can be divided into two kinds. One is pressing method, and the other one is solvent extraction method. But whichever method you use, the plants should be pre-treated by several machines in advance.

edible oil processing machineDifferent oil seeds need different pretreatment machines

As the above picture shows, different oil seeds need different pretreatment machines, because of their different features. The purpose of preteatment is to adjust the oil seeds into best condition for pressing or solvent extraction and improve the oil yield rate. After pretreatment, the impurities in crude oil will be much less and the quality of crude oil will be better, too.

Pressing method of oil extraction from plants

edible oil press machineEdible oil pressing plant

The pressing method of oil extraction from plants has once pressing method and twice pressing method. Generally, the oil seeds including less oil content, such as soybean and rice bran, uses once pressing method. And the oil seeds including high oil content, such as groundnut, sunflower seed, rapeseed and cottonseed, should use twice pressing method to low down the residual oil rate.

Solvent extraction method of oil extraction from plants

edible oil solvent extraction machineEdible oil solvent extraction plant

After preteatment, the oil seeds that contains low oil content can be sent into solvent extraction plant directly to extract oil out, but the oil seeds that contains high oil content should be pre-pressed by oil pre-press machine, and then the press cake will be sent into solvent extraction plant. Therefore, if you want to use solvent extraction method to extract oil from plants, our engineer can design the edible oil processing line according to the oil content of your oil seeds.

edible oil refinery plant Edible oil refining machine

For further processing crude oil, you can buy edible oil refining machine to produce refined edible oil. Doing Holdings - Henan Glory Company can provide you all the kinds of edible oil processing machine. Welcome you to leave a message! We are always at your service.

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