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Solvent extraction plant for edible oil

Nowadays, edible oil solvent extraction plant is widely used in cooking oil processing process. Edible oil solvent extraction plant can ensure the oil residual rate in cake less than 1%. Edible oil solvent extraction plant can ensure the investoer get the maximum profits. Next i will introduce the What is the principle of the edible oil solvent extraction ? What kind oil materials can be processed by edible oil solvent extraction method? Why do some many oil producer like the edible oil solvent extraction method? Please hold on reading.

edible oil solvent extraction plantEdible oil solvent extraction plant is usually used for processing large capacity oilseeds

As we mentioned before, the oil residue rate in cake is less than 1% by solvent extraction method. Edible oil solvent extraction plant is usually used for processing large capacity oil seeds.

What is the principle of the edible oil solvent extraction ? (What is the definition of solvent extraction of edible oil ?)

Solvent extraction method is utilizing the solvent which can dissolve the oil fat, through wetting, permeating and molecular diffusing principle to extract the oil out from the oil seeds, then separating the crude oil from the miscella of oil and solvent. Edible oil solvent extraction plant can extract the 20% oil out maximum, this is why required some high oil content(30%-50%) oil seeds prepress a part oil out out before materials enter into the edible oil solvent extraction plant. [Recommend reading: Oil extraction process ]

What kind oil materials can be processed by edible oil solvent extraction method?

Edible oil Solvent extraction plant can process low oil content oil seeds and high oil content oil seeds. But the processing methods are little different. For example, low oil content oil seeds,like the soybean and rice bran , their oil content is 18%-20% . General speaking , after pretreatment , they can be solvent extracted directly . Their processes are :

oil seeds pretreatment---solvent extarction---oil refining(de-waxing).

rice bran oil solvent extraction processRice bran oil solvent extraction process flow chart

But for the high oil content oil seeds, like peanut , sunflower seeds etc. their oil content is about 30%-50%, it is too high, we need to prepress a part of oil out, like 15%-30% oil out, then we will use edible oil solvent extraction plant to extract the rest 15%-20% oil out from prepressed cakes. Their processes are:

oil seeds pretreatment---pre-pressing--solvent extraction---oil refining(de-waxing).

edible oil solven extraction plant Sunflower oil solvent extraction plant

Why do some many oil producer like the edible oil solvent extraction method?

The main reasone is edible oil solvent extraction method is very efficient, the final residue is less than 1% , it can help the oil producers get maximum profits.

At the meanwhile , for soybean and rice bran oil processing, most people choose solvent extraction method , that because in edible oil solvent extraction process , the temperature is not to high , it will not destroy the protein content in soybean and rice bran, it means the oil producers not only can get maximum oil , but also can get high protein cakes which is a good materials to make animal feed and other products.

edible oil solvent extraction plant Edibel oil solvent extraction plant working site

However, there is a advice we have to warn to some customers, even edibel oil solvent extraction plant is very efficient, but in some countries, the edible oil solvent extraction method is not allowed to use by their governments , or it is not be accepted by local consumers. So we suggest the customers according to their local market and condition to choose processing method.

Henan Doing Company is a professional manufacturer of edible oil solvent extraction plant, Our daily solvent extraction capacity is 5tons-1000tons. And we can also offer the whole edible oil solvent extraction plant turn-key projects. Welcome to Henan Doing Company to visit our edible oil solvent extraction plant manufacturing site and learn about Hennan Doing Company production ability and decide whether you want to buy edible oil solvent extraction plant from our company.

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