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Cottonseed oil fractionation plant

Cottonseed oil fractionation plant

Cottonseed oil fractionation plant

October 25, 2017 14:03 Cottonseed oil is one of the major oil. Its fatty acid composition is as follows: 20%~22% palmitic, 30%~35% oleic, 40%~45% linoleic. The melting point of cotton seed oil is about 10~15.6℃. If it is used as the superior edible oil, its application would be limited by its high melting point and turbidity in winter. However, after cottonseed oil  fractionation process, cotton seed oil can be divided into liquid oil and stearin, and its added value and edible value can be raised.

Cottonseed oil fractionation plant is a new kind of oil processing technology after cottonseed oil refining. It has two big steps: crystallization and separation. Firstly cool oil and precipitate crystals, then separate crystalls from liquid oil to get solid fat and liquid oil.
cotton seed oil fractionation plant
3D flow chart for cottonseed oil fractionation plant

Cottonseed oil fractionation plant Main Equipment: crystal jar, water-cooled screw chillers, membrane filter press, etc. Distillation of crude oil equipment and production technology developed by our company is of advanced technology, full computer automatic cooperation, lower investment cost, high liquid oil yield, high solid fat purity and high economic benefit.
cotton seed oil fractionation plant
Cottonseed oil fractionation plant flow chart

Our researched and developed cottonseed oil fractionation technology has the following advantages:
1. Advanced technology
2. Fully automatic operation by computer
3. Lower investment costs
4. With technical cooling crystallization craft, output of liquid oil is more
5. Higher purity of solid fat
6. Better economic benefit.

Henan Doing Company Machinery is a leading enterprise specialized in the technology design & research and engineering construction of oil preparation, oil refining & fractionation. After years of practice, we have won a high reputation and accumulated solid strength. We have undertaken more than 30 construction projects around the world.
We can provide design, manufacture, installation, calibration and after service of cottonseed oil fractionation plant.

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