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Cooking oil expeller machine development situation in India

edible oil expeller machine

Edible oil expeller machine

Henan Doing Company is one of the leading manufacturers and exporters of Edible Oil Expeller machines and plants. Under stringent testing environment, rigorous research has been performed by us to improve the yield and quality of the edible oil extracted from the expeller. We have a rich of exporing numerous edible oil expellers since 1967. Our expellers are being successfully used in numerous parts of the world since so many years. Indian Edible Oil industry is fourth largest in the world after US, China and Brazil. Still a major part of which is being imported from other countries. With a rich agricultural background and top of the list produce of oil seeds, there is a lot of scope for establishment of edible oil expellers, which can meet the market demands.

oil expeller machine

Various kinds of cooking oil expeller machine

Although edible oil expellers have greatly mechanized in previous few years in the developed countries, certain developing countries still have a lot of scope for mechanization. Henan Doing Company edible oil expellers in parts of Africa, South America, Eastern Europe and some countries of Asia has become a booming business. Edible oil is a very important trade and market commodity which can be sold in various variants. People in the developed countries have switched to the use of refined edible oil, whereas in the developing country they have no option but to use the unrefined edible oil.

Edible oil being an agro food product, it becomes very essential to maintain its quality. Oil expulsion is an abrasive process during which a lot of heat is generated. The heat can have an adverse effect on the oil produced in various ways. It may add an unwanted smell to the oil which would make it less acceptable in the market. Also, it may cause burning or charring of oil cakes and reduce the profitability of the mill. Henan Doing Company Oil Expellers has gained expertise in optimizing all these parameters without compromising on the yield of the oil. Our cooking oil expeller machine believe in helping ou and guiding you at every step with our knowledge base and market experience.


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