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Zambian customer came to see cooking oil machine for making soybean oil and cottonseed oil

Last Thursday afternoon, our Zambian customer came to Zhengzhou. This time, he want to learn more about cooking oil machine for making soybean oil and cottonseed oil, because he has quantities of these two kinds of raw materials and want to make soybean oil and cottonseed oil.

zambia cooking oil making machineThe discussing process in the meeting room

On the morning of Friday, he came to our office. He, sales and engineers discussed the soybean oil and cottonseed oil processing technology in the meeting room. Because of the different features of soybean and cottonseeds, the oil seeds pretreatment sections are different. 

In more than 30 tons per day large scale cooking oil production line, it need two oil seeds pretreatment line to processng these two kinds of oil seeds. But if your input capacity is less than 5 tons per day, a cooker and a integrated oil press machine are enough.

Our Zambian customer plans to set up a 60 tons per day cooking oil production line to make soybean oil and cottonseed oil, so our engineers recommend him to use two oil seeds pretreatment line, and then use pressing or solvent extraction method together. 

If you also want to set up a cooking oil production line to make cooking oil, welcome to contact Henan Doing Company, which is a professional cooking oil machine manufacturer in China.

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