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Celebrate Doing Company's eighth anniversary

March 15 of each year is the Consumer Rights Day and also Henan Doing Company's birthday. Today, Doing Company is 8 years. From two people to more than 100 employees, though Doing Company had some hard time, but it still develops fast.

doing companyAll the employees watched a video that is about the history of Doing Company

In this special day, all the employees watched a video that is about the history of Doing Company. Our president Mr. Zheng tearfully recalled the development of the company in the past eight years. And each representative also spoke out their gratitude and expectations for the company.

doing companywe broke out the champagne to celebrate the company's eighth birthday

henan doingEvery employee wrote the expectations for the company

After speech, we broke out the champagne to celebrate the company's eighth birthday. Every employee wrote the expectations for the company. We believe Henan Doing Company will be better and better in next eight years. 

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