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What are the features of soybean oil extraction machine?

soybean oil extraction machine
Soybean oil extraction machine in the factory


Henan Doing Company soybean oil extraction machine adopts the most advanced soybean oil extraction technology to ensure high efficiency, economical and reliable crude soybean oil extraction process.The features of soybean oil extraction machine are as follows:
1.High efficiency and longer time extraction ensures perfect extraction results. We designs soybean oil extraction production line with durable stainless steel fixed grid plate and increases horizontal grid plats. This advanced design can prevent miscella in case of flowing back to blanking case and ensures high quality extracting crude oil.
2.Strong ability of Desolventizing. Desovlentizer toast can adjust the color, flavor and taste of soybean meal, reduce residual solvent, and guarantee the lowest solvent consumption and safety of soybean meal.
3.Negative pressure evaporation to separate miscella efficiently. The vacuum evaporation technology will separate liquid miscella on basis of different vaporization temperatures with low solvent leakage and consumption.
4.Vacuum evaporation with high efficiency de-solvation. The secondary steam of desolventizer toaster together with remaining steam from steam jet pump is being used as heat source, can save energy and reduce condenser configuration area.
5.Perfect solvent condensation with low residual oil. Combined with evaporation system, solvent condensation system of soybean oil extraction process line can separate crude soybean oil and solvent totally.


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