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How to make groundnut oil using groundnut oil machine?

Groundnut oil is one of the highly demanded oil around the world. It has been preferred by many people because of the sweet aroma and good smell. While how make groundnut oil machine. Here I will introduce the sections of groundnut oil production.

groundnut oil machine
Groundnut oil machine

Preparation section
When we harvest the groundnut, it's covered by husk. The first step is to remove the shell and get the groundnut kernel by husk removing machine. Then we need remove the impurities in the kernel, such as stones, sands, plant and so on. Now it's ready to go to next stage.

Processing section
Now the kernel need to be heated and adjust the water content. In order to increase the oil yield rate, the temperature and water content must be controlled. Usually we use cooker to adjust the temperature and moist. Then the groundnut kernel is sent to the oil presser machine which will extrat the oil from the kernel. The oil will be collected to the oil tank. The cake is usually used as feed for livestock.

cooking oil pressing machine
Groundnut oil pressing machine


Refinery section
The crude groundnut oil contains some impurities. The oil refinery machine is used to move the impurities and get higher quality groundnut oil.

groundnut oil refinery machine

Gronudnut oil refinery machine

Packaging section
At this stage you are almost done. The left thing is to bottle the oil to 2L, 5L, 10L or other volumes.

groundnut oil packing machine

Groundnut oil packing machine

How make groundnut oil machine is more complex than this main sections. It needs design according to exact conditions of raw materials. If you want to know more about groundnut oil machine, welcome to contact us.

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