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What are the main processes of rice bran oil producing line?

The brief introduction of rice bran oil producing line:
The whole rive bran oil producing line includes pretreatment workshop, solvent extraction workshop and crude rice bran oil refining machine .
A. Rice Bran Oil  Pretreatment Workshop Introduction:
1. Raw materials cleaning
2. Raw materials softening
3. Raw materials expanded process
rice bran oil flaking machine
Rice bran oil pretreatment workshop-flaking machine for sale
B. Rice Bran Oil Solvent Extraction Workshop Introduction:
1.Solvent extraction
2.Wet meal desolventizing and drying
3.Miscella desolventizing and dewatering
4.Solvent recovery
rice bran oil making machine
Rice bran oil solvent extraction workshop-loop type extractor
C. Rice Bran Oil  Refining Workshop Introduction:
1.Rice bran oil degumming
2.Rice bran oil decolorizing
3.Rice bran oil deodorization
4.Rice bran oil dewaxing

rice bran oil refining machine
Rice bran oil refining workshop-rice bran oil refining machine

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