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What are the features of physical refining and chemical refining?

According to different edible oil refining technologies, we generally classify it into Physical Refining & Chemical Refining.

edible oil reifning methods

Physical edible oil refining process and chemical edible oil reifning process

Edible Oil Refining - Physical Refining
Physical refining means removing gum in oil during process of degumming in special method and removing FFA in process of deodorizing by steam.

Features of Physical Refining Machine:
1.High refinement rate; less oil loss.
2.No waste water discharged.
3.More FFA distilled.
4.Especially suited for highly acidic oils, and those of low gum content

edible oil refining machinery

Edible oil reifning process machinery

Edible Oil Refining - Chemical Refining

Chemical refining, however, usually means removing FFA in a chemical way ( Acid-base neutralization). Gum and soap foot produced is separated by centrifuges. It is one popular refining method of edible / vegetable

Features of Chemical Refining Machine
1.Excellent adaptability and fewer requirements for high oil quality
2.The finished oil is consistent and stable
3.Less bleaching earth necessary compared with physical refining



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