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Vibrating sieve/oilseeds cleaning equipment video

This is vibrating sieve/oilseeds cleaning equipment video.Vibrating sieve also called Vibrating screen,oilseeds cleaning equipment. It is an essential machine in the cleaning section. Vibrating sieve is used for separate different size material. Vibrating sieve can be used in different oilseed production line. Just as, palm kernel oil processing line, cooking oil processing line, even rice milling processing line.

Vibrating sieve has two main functions:
First:separate different sizes of oil seed,if the size of oilseeds is different,the cracker result will not good,some of the oilseeds maybe crushed,but some small oil seed may can not be cracked.Second:to remove the impurities from oilseed,the impurities in oilseed may damage the cooking oil machine or palm oil machine if do not remove.and also affect the quality of final oil.

Using vibrating sieve, all oilseed will be made full use of. The final oil productivity is higher. This vibrating sieve is high working efficiency, attractive appearance. It is worth having this vibrating sieve if you want to start a grain factory or oil factory.

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