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Undo 60t palm kernel oil extraction machine working video

This is Undo 60t palm kernel oil extraction machine working video.Palm kernel oil extraction machine is the major equipment in palm kernel oil mill plant.Palm kernel oil extraction machine can be used to extract palm kernel oil from palm kernel.  The whole palm kernel oil extraction machine include pam kernel cleaning machine,palm kernel crushing machine  and pam kernel press machine.

palm kernel oil extraction machine

Palm kernel cooker in palm kernel oil mill plant

Palm kernel oil pretreatment and press workshop is the basic process of palm kernel oil extraction machine.Palm kernel oil pretreatment and press machine is mainly to remove impurities in palm kernel, regulate moisture and temperature of palm kernel, and break palm kernel into small particles to change palm kernel molecular structure,etc, which is good for the following process in solvent extracton workshop. After pretreatment, we can get crude palm kernel oil and palm kernel cake. Palm kernel cake can go to the following solvent extraction workshop. 

Undo 60t palm kernel oil extraction machine not only can process palm kernel,but also can process other oil seeds,such as soybean, peanut,rapeseed, sunflower, cottonseed,etc.

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