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Mustard oil expeller/hot pressed mustard seed oil machine video

This is mustard oil expeller/hot pressed running video. Hot pressed mustard seed oil machine means to cook the oil seeds before pressing, for cooked mustard seed, it will get higher oil yield, our mustard seed oil press can work efficiently while retaining better crude oil smell and taste.

Cooker of mustard oil expeller: to heat the mustard seed oil, make the oil concentrate in the surface, and also to make high oil yield.
Hot pressed mustard seed oil machine: to heat the screw first, and then fill the mustard seed into the mustard oil expeller to press.

mustard oil expeller

Mustard oil expeller and crue mustard oil

How to evaluate the oil content of the cake?
1. Weight the mustard seed weight.
2. Weigh the crude mustard seed oil
after the mustard seed is pressed.
3. Get final oil cake oil content according to the mustard seed oil content is 37%.

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