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DOING Machinery is professional cooking vegetable oil processing plant manufacturer in the world, not our cooking oil plants have the excellent quality, but also our product service is very thorough. We have a series of all-sided products sale lines, from the initial inquiry to the final shipment&installation, we are sure to make you have a nice product service experience.

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When we get your inquiry of cooking vegetable oil plants, we will contact you within 24 hours. At this stage, our sales man and engineer will identify all details with you and help you find the best solution together.


After good communication about cooking vegetable oil plants, both the design that meet your requirements and the best price that we can offer you will be show you. If there are not any problems, OK, we can sign the contract.

Shipment Installation

We will produce all cooking oil plants that promised you in the contract for you and arrange the shipment when they are ready. Also, our engineers will be dispatched to your country to help you install our cooking oil plants until the plant work well.