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Low cost soybean oil mill project in Africa

Low cost soybean oil mill project in Africa

Low cost soybean oil mill project in Africa

September 4, 2017 14:41

Soybean oil is one of the most widely consumed cooking oil across the world. In order to process soybean oil from soybean, soybean oil mill is necessary.

soybean oil mill

Soybean oil mill project

Henan Doing Mechanical Equipment Co.,Ltd is specialized in manufacturing and installing soybean oil mill. Different oilseeds have different processing technology. The following is soybean oil mill technology.

Soybean---cleaning---stones removal---magnetic selection---crushing---softening---flaking---drying---to solvent extraction--Crude soybean oil
If want to get better quality soybean oil, you can use our refinery plant.

soybean oil mill plant

Preeatment process in soybean oil mill project

soybean oil mill plant

Solvent extraction process of soybean oil mill project

soybean oil mill project

Oil refining process of soybean oil mill project

We also set up many soybean oil mill project all over the world, as America, Brizal, Kenya, Nigeria ,etc.


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