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Small scale oil mill plant

Small scale oil mill plant

Small scale oil mill plant

August 30, 2017 16:58 With over 40 years of experience, we announce ourselves as leading manufacturers and exporters of small scale oil mill plants and oil mill projects. Due to constant rise and innovation in technology, we have come up with state-of-the-art small scale oil mill plant for the efficient and effective extraction of oil. We offer a wide range of technically advanced small scale oil mill plant machinery for the oil mill industries.
small scale oil mill plant
Small scale Oil mill plant

At Henan Doing, we offer reasonable solution to all our client's edible small scale oil mill plant needs. With stringent quality measures, we assure to deliver best and perfect small scale oil mill plant machines. Our range of cooking oil expellers is highly durable and cost-effective for the extraction of both vegetable and grain oil. They ensure higher production output without any breakdown. Design is such that the press is easy to handle and that nearly all oilseeds and nuts may be processed. The crushing capacity of the expeller varies from 3 tons per day to 100 tons per day.

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