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Palm fruit digester machine

Palm fruit digester machine

Palm fruit digester machine

August 29, 2017 15:20

palm fruit digester machine

Large capacity palm fruit digester machine

palm fruit digester machine

Small capacity palm fruit digester machine

The purpose of palm fruit digester machine in palm oil processing plant is to rupture the oil-bearing cells of fruit and release the palm oil. The palm fruit digester machine is a steam-heated cylindrical vessel. In the palm fruit digester machine, there is a central rotating shaft carrying a number of beater arms which is used to pound the fruit. To destroy the exocarp of palm fruit, disrupt the oil cells and reduce the viscosity of the oil, the digesting process is done under high temperature. But for most small scale palm oil mill, in order to reduce cost, it is designed without heat insulation and steam injections.

There is one more thing you should know about palm fruit digester system. In the palm oil processing plant, when the metal wear of digester exceed the highest rate, there will be increasing risk of oil oxidation and the onset of oil rancidity.

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