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Complete line of castor oil production process

Complete line of castor oil production process

Complete line of castor oil production process

August 30, 2017 10:37

Complete line of castor oil production process is similar to other oil seeds.Complete line of castor oil production process need a series of processes such as castor oil pretreatment machine,castor oil extraction machine and castor oil refining machine.But the small scale castor oil production process only need castor oil expeller machine and castor oil filter machine is ok.

Introduction of castor seed oil production:

Castor seed is grown commercially on plantations but also harvested from wild plants.  The seed must be hulled after harvesting.  This can be done laboriously by hand or, more commonly, by machine.  Small-scale hand-operated dehullers are available.

The seeds contain about 50 percent oil by weight.  To extract the oil they must be crushed and pressed with hydraulic or continuous screw pressing at high or low temperature.  High temperature hydraulic pressing yields 80 percent of available oil.  Further solvent extraction can release much of the remaining oil.

Modification of the oil is achieved by a variety of chemical processes including oxidation, hydrogenation and thermal treatments to produce products for specific applications.

castor oil production process

Castor seed

Extraction plant of castor oil production process:

Extraction of oil from castor seeds is done in a manner similar to that for most other oil seeds.The ripe seeds are allowed to dry, when they split open and discharge the seeds.

The seeds are dehulled after harvesting.  Dehulling can be done by hand (laborious) or, more commonly, by machine. Small-scale hand-operated dehullers are also available.The dehulled seeds are cleaned, cooked and dried prior to oil extraction. Cooking is done to coagulate protein (necessary to permit efficient extraction), and for efficient pressing.

The first stage of castor oil production process is pre-pressing, normally using a high pressure continuous screw press – called the expeller. Extracted oil is filtered, and the material removed from the oil is fed back into the stream along with fresh material. Material finally discharged from the press, called castor cake, contains 8-10% oil. It is crushed into a coarse meal, and subjected to solvent extraction with heptane to extract further oil.

castor oil production process

Castor oil extraction machine

Purification of castor oil production process:

Once the oil has been extracted from the seed, it is necessary to remove impurities present in the oil. The castor oil filtrer machine is designed to remove particulates, water, dissolved gases, and acids. The castor oil filtrer machine that is normally used for filtration is a filter press.

castor oil production process

Castor oil filter machine

We can offer all kinds of cooking oil production process machinery. We also undertake turnkey solutions for premium large scale castor oil production process machinery. As a professinal and reliable cooking oil machinery manufacturer and supplier in China with decades of experience, we can offer all-around services from castor oil production process machinery designing, process customizing,  castor oil production machine manfuacturing, on-site debugging and installing.

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