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Sesame oil refinery plant

Sesame oil refinery plant

Sesame oil refinery plant

October 10, 2017 16:49

sesame oil refinery plant

Sesame oil refinery plant

The crude oil obtained either from expellers or solvent extraction plant contains impurities, which must be removed to make the oil edible, more palatable and stable against rancidity upon storage.Sesame oil refinery plant refers to a series of refining processes that can remove phospholipids, FFA, pigment, off-flavor and other impurities in the oil.The process of removing these impurities after oil extraction section is called oil refining. Sesame oil refinery plant usually includes the following sections: Degumming,Neutralization, Bleaching, Dewaxing and Deodorization.

Following are the main steps of sesame oil refinery process:

sesame oil refinery process
Degumming reduces the phosphatides content in some crude oils (soybean, sunflower, rapeseed etc)


The free acids contain in oil can be either alkali neutralize. Most oils can be "physically" neutralize in the deodoriser render this alkali treatment unnecessary


During this operation of sesame oil refinery plant most colouring pigments are removed by absorption bleaching earth.


Odour and taste are removed under special condition (high temperature and sparge steam) in sesame oil refinery plant.

Sesame oil refinery plant suitable for refining various kinds of edible oil,such as corn germ oil,soybean oil ,peanut oil,cottonseed oil,rapeseed oil,sunflower oil,palm oil and palm kernel oil.If you are interested in sesame oil refinery plant,please feel free to contact us!


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