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Oilseed pressing methods and extraction methods

oilseed pretreatment & pre-pressing machine

Oilseed pretreatment & pre-pressing machine

The establishment of oilseeds pretreatment & pre-pressing machine depends on oilseed varieties, oil processing method, product quality standard, oilseeds utilization and invest on oil machine project etc. Oil pressing is type of simple cooking oil processing process, which includes pressing, pre-pressing, high temperature oil pressing, and cold oil pressing etc.

Simple oil pressing process flow adopts one time pressing or twice pressing of oilseeds. It enables special oil taste and flavor during processing, such as sesame oil, fragrant, peanut oil, coconut butter etc. This oil pressing method is also applicable for small-scale oil plant. Usually high pressing oil yield is required during oil pressing project.

oilseed extraction machine

Oilseed extraction machine

Oil pressing process is always combined with oil extraction process, which is mostly used in large-scale edible oil plant or bulk oilseeds processing. There is 70% oil content pressed out from oilseeds in primary press, and residual oil is extracted from oilseed cake by organic solvent.

Users can choose different oil pressing method on basis of characteristic of oilseed. Henan Doing Mechanical Equipment  Co.,Ltd will always be reliable to design, manufacture, install the most economical and quality assured oil pressing line to customers worldwide.

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