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5TPD rapeseed oil press equipment installed in China

On July 23rd, 2023, a 5TPD rapeseed oil press equipment was installed in China by Henan Doing Company. Our customer owns an agricultural company and plans to carry out a rapeseed oil project.

At first, the customer was not very clear about the technology of the rapeseed oil press equipment, so he was very hesitant to choose the machine. Then, our company's sales manager carefully explained the technology of the rapeseed oil press equipment and low-temperature cold filtration process, besides, Henan Doing Company is professional, and our rapeseed oil press equipment is qualified. After the customer learned about and considered it, he finally chose Henan Doing Company.

The installation site pictures of the 5TPD rapeseed oil press equipment in China:

oil press machine.jpgrapeseed oil press equipment in China

The rapeseed oil press equipment in China has been installed. After that, our company's engineers will debug this rapeseed oil press equipment to ensure that it can work successfully.

Henan Doing Company has been in the oil press business for many years, and our sales managers can discuss the details with you and give you the most suitable quotation. If you are interested in the equipment or plan to carry out a project of canola oil press equipment or other seed oils, please contact us.

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