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What edible oil refining equipment is available for customers to choose?

In recent years, people have higher and higher requirements for the quality of daily cooking oil. They are no longer satisfied with ordinary quality pressed oils, but want healthier, better-tasting refined oils. Because in their opinion, the refined edible oil is clear and free of impurities, has high nutritional value, and has a broad market.

Faced with such opportunities, many smart investors began to want to start cooking oil refining business. However, everyone's attitude towards cooking oil refining business is different, and everyone's comprehensive strength is also different. Therefore, many people may be more concerned about what edible oil refining equipment is available for customers to choose before it is officially started. Today, Henan Glory Company will give you a detailed introduction.

According to the different production scale, budget level and degree of automation, edible oil refining equipment can be divided into three types, which are batch type edible oil refining equipment, semi-continuous edible oil refining equipment and full continuous edible oil refining equipment. Although different types of edible oil refining equipment have different prices and configurations, edible oil refining equipment contains the same refining processes: degumming, deacidification, decolorization and deodorization.

edible oil refining processRefining process of crude edible oil

Features of different types of edible oil refining equipment is as follows:

Batch type edible oil refining equipment:

The refining process is carried out in batches and the production capacity is relatively limited. The range of use is 1-20 tons per day, which is suitable for small edible oil refinery factories.

edible oil refining equipmentBatch type edible oil refining equipment

Semi-continuous edible oil refining equipment:

In the refining process, some processes such as degumming section, deacidification section and decolorization section are carried out in batches and need to wait, while deodorization section is carried out continuously and does not need to wait. The daily processing capacity of semi-continuous edible oil refining equipment is10-50 tons per day. It is suitable for medium edible oil refinery plants.

edible oil refining equipmentSemi continuous edible oil refining equipment

Fully continuous edible oil refining equipment:

All refining processes are continuous. It has the features of high degree of automation, high production capacity and low labor cost. The full continuous aedible oil refining equipment can process crude edible oil more than 30 tons per day, suitable for medium and large edible oil refinery factories.

edible oil refining equipmentFully continuous edible oil refining equipment

In fact, the scope of use of each edible oil refining equipment is not fixed. You can make specific adjustments according to your own needs and find the refining equipment suitable for your own factory.

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