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How to make biodiesel from vegetable oil?

Biodiesel is a clean and renewable fuel that is made from vegetable oil such as rape seed oil, peanut oil, and soybean oil reacted with methanol. You can also make biodiesel from waste cooking oil and animal fat. But the process may be a little complex.

The biodiesel can be used in diesel engine by blending 5%-20% to normal diesel.

Let’s learn the general production process of making biodiesel from vegetable oil briefly.
Firstly you should prepare the material for making biodiesel: 1 liter of vegetable oil( soybean oil, peanut oil or other fresh vegetable oil is ok); 3-4 grams sodium hydroxide( NaOH) which is used as catalyst; 200 milliliters pure methyl alcohol; blender with a low speed option, 2 glass containers marked for 200 milliliters and 1 liter; an wide mouth glass container that marked at least 1.5 liters; safety glasses, gloves, and probably an apron for safety protection.
After preparing for all materials needed, let’s began to make biodiesel. The reaction can be proceeded under room temperature ( about 70° F) or a little warmer.

Firstly, pour 100 ml methyl alcohol into the blender, keep the blender stirring slowly, and ass the sodium hydroxide into the methyl alcohol, then pour the other 100 ml methyl alcohol and keep blending until all the NaOH is dissolved. Then add 1 liter of vegetable oil to the mixture, keep blending and adjust the blender stirring at a low speed for 20-30 minutes, the pour the mixture into the 1.5 liter glass container, then you can the mixture separated into two parts, the top layer is biodiesel and the bottom liter is glycerin which is denser. Keep for about 1 hour and make them separated completely, then you can pour out the biodiesel for fuel.

The above content is the brief process of making biodiesel at home, the procedure similar as it in the factory, but it may be more automation and routing processize.


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