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What are the purpose and methods of cooking oil refining?

The purpose of cooking oil refining:
Cooking Oil refining is usually refers to crude oil refining.The impurity in the crude cooking oil,not only affects the use value and safe storage of cooking oil,but also affects the cooking oil further processing . The purpose of cooking oil refining is not to remove all impurities in the cooking oil, but remove harmful substances,such as gaa, protein, lecithin, mucus, moisture that is harmful to eat, storage, and industrial production .At the same time leave good impurities.Finally,we can get refined oil products which  meet the quality standard .

cooking oil refining machine

Cooking oil reifning machine

The methods of oil refining:
According to the characteristics of the raw materials, cooking oil refining methods can be roughly divided into mechanical method, chemical method and physical method .


cooking oil reifning methods
Cooking oil refining methods

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