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How to choose the most suitable oil refinery methods?

We will choose the refinery methods according to the different requirements of different types of oil. Both technical and economic effects are taken into account while plan the refinery plant, so that to build the best cooking oil refinery line which can remove the most completely unwanted and harmful impurity under the condition of minimum oil loss.

oil refinery  methods
Edible oil reifnery methods;physical refining methodsand chemical refining methods

Principles of Our Cooking Oil Refining Projects:
Our vegetable oil refining projects are built based on the following principles:
   1. In accordance with the general policy of economic construction in your country;
   2. Save energy;
   3. Ensure the quality of refined oil;
   4. Make full use of raw materials as far as possible, in an effort to achieve the maximize oil yield under the condition of quality requirement;
   5.Comprehensive utilization of raw materials, finished products and by-products.
   6.Make the oil refining production mechanization and automation, improve the operating conditions and reduce labor intensity.
   7.Conforms to the safety operation specification
   8.Don’t bring environment pollution problem.

cooking oil refining machine

Cooking oil refining machine

Edible oil refining is a complex process. To design a reasonable technological process, we also consider the following factors in addition to the above principles:
    1.Offer customized refining solution according to different oil varieties (soybean, peanut, cottonseed, rapeseed, vegetable seeds…).
    2.The application and qualification of refined oil. In addition to various levels of edible oil, there are base oil, drying oil, paint oil, pyrolysis oil, hydrogenated oil, salad oil, cooking oil, vegetable shortening and margarine, etc. Customized oil refining process will be offered to meet the quality requirements of different oil.
    3.Ensure the process of refining workshop is adapted to the production capacity of your enterprise. Continuous refining plant is suggested for production of large capacity, while batch or semi-continuous types aremore suitable for medium and small oil refining workshops.
    4.Others, such as the reliability of the equipment and technology,labor productivity, the consumption rate of auxiliary materials, steam, water and electricity.


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