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What is the best way to make soybean oil? Why is that?

There are mainly two kinds of oil making way, directly pressing way and the solvent extraction way. Different oils are suitable for different processing methods, what is the best way to make soybean oil? Comparatively speaking, solvent extraction way is the best way to make soybean oil. The reason is as follows:

Soybean has an oil content of 16%-24%, which is an oil crop with low oil content. If adopt direct pressing way to make soybean oil, the residual oil rate of pressed cakes is still relatively high, ranging from 7% , and the soybean oil yield is about 13%. While the residual oil rate of the cake after solvent extraction way is less than 1%, the soybean oil yield is about 19%. By comparison, we may see that the solvent extraction way is more suitable for soybean oil making.

But considering the economic benefits, if the soybean making capacity is small, it is not cost-effective to choose solvent extraction way , and direct pressing way can be adopted. The solvent extraction way is more suitable for soybean oil making plants with a daily capacity of more than 30 tons.

The detailed soybean oil making process by solvent extraction way are as follows: soybean—cleaning—softening—crushing—flaking—puffing—drying—solvent extraction system—D.T.D.C system—condenser system—recovery system-crude soybean oil.

soybean oil making processSoybean oil making process

Henan Glory Company has rich experience in soybean oil making machine manufacture and project installation, and can provide customized equipment, equipment installation guidance, equipment commissioning, factory visit and other services according to customer needs. If you have interests, please leave a message or call us at any time. Looking forward to developing friendly cooperation with you!

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