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Sunflower oil and sunflower oil mill machinery

Sunflower oil is a common cooking oil, which is popular with many consumers because of its good taste and health. Here we will introduce sunflower oil and sunflower oil mill machinery.

Sunflower oil introduction:

Sunflower oil is a kind of transparent and fragrant cooking oil. It contains a large amount of linoleic acid and unsaturated fatty acids, which can promote the regeneration of human cells, protect skin health, and reduce the deposition of cholesterol in the blood. Sunflower oil is easy to absorb and contains a lot of vitamin A and carotene, which is helpful for treating night blindness, preventing cancer, and lowering serum cholesterol concentration.

sunflower oilSunflower seeds and sunflower oil

Among all vegetable oils in the world, sunflower oil consumption ranks fourth, after palm oil, soybean oil and rapeseed oil. Internationally, many countries and regions such as Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, sunflower oil consumption ratio up to 70%.

Sunflower oil mill machinery introduction:

Sunflower oil extraction process according to the budget and processing capacity, the machines used are different. If the processing capacity is less than 30 tons per day, we recommend that you pre-treat the sunflower seeds and press them. The residual oil rate in the cake is about 7% -8%. If your processing capacity is more than 30 tons per day, we recommend you use pre-pressing and then solvent extraction method, which can make the residual oil rate less than 1%. The following is a detailed introduction of the large scale sunflower oil extraction process and machinery.

Ⅰ. Sunflower oil mill machinery pre-treatment part

sunflower oil press machineSunflower oil pretreatment flow chart

1. Cleaning: Magnetic drum, cleaning sieve and destoner to remove metals, small stones, impurities from sunflower raw seeds.

2. Separation: Transfer the sunflower seeds to the cracker, break the sunflower seed shell to obtain the kernel shell mixture, and then separate the shells and kernels through the kernel shell separator.

3. Flaking: Flaking machine can make sunflower seeds into the flakiness about 0.5mm. And the flaking roller helps to broke the cell of soybeans, and then it is easier to extract oil.

4. Cooking: Transfer sunflower seeds to the cooker, adjust the temperature and moisture.

5. Pre-pressing: Here is only the pre-pressed part of sunflower oil. After pre-pressing, the residual oil rate in the cake is about 12-16%. After pre-pressing, the crude sunflower oil is sent directly to the sunflower oil refining plant, and kernel cake is sent to solvent extraction plant.

Ⅱ. Sunflower oil mill machinery solvent extraction part

sunflower oil solvent extraction machineDifferent section of sunflower oil solvent extraction plant

1. Solvent extraction: Using solvent to extract oil from sunflower oil cake in oil extractor, final products are mixed oil and wet meal.

2. Evaporation&Stripping: The mixed oil will pass through three evaporators to make solvent inside transform into gas, and solvent will be recovered through condensers andreused. These three evaporators are not with same size, the first evaporator is bigger than others because there is more solvent in the mixed oil at the beginning. After evaporated, we will get crude sunflower oil ready for oil refining.

3. D.T.D.C. system: The wet meal will be delivered to D.T.D.C system to dry and be separated with solvent. The dry meal will be packaged for sale as animal feed.

After solvent extraction, the residual oil rate in the cake is less than 1%.

Ⅲ. Sunflower oil mill machinery refining part

sunflower oil refining machineSunflower oil refinery plant

1. Degumming: This process uses phosphoric acid and hot water to react with crude sunflower oil, and then separate gum from oil.

2. Deacidification: Adding alkali to the oil to neutralize free fatty acids. After deacidification, it will produce soap horns, which can be used to make soap.

3. Decolorization: This process uses white clay to bleach oil. In this step, white clay absorbs dark colorant in oil. After bleaching, used clay will be filtered out by leaf filter machine.

4. Deodorization: This process is using high temperature to remove the bad odors.

5. Dewaxing: This process is using low temperature to freeze wax inside refined sunflower oil and then separate wax with vibrating screen.

After the crude sunflower oil is treated with all the above processes, we get the refined sunflower oil. This can be used for packing or as final edible oil for cooking.

Ⅳ. Sunflower oil mill machinery filling part

After refining, you will get first-grade edible sunflower oil, you can fill it into bottles, or bags, then sell it to supermarket directly.

Sunflower oil filling machineSunflower oil mill machinery filling machine

The above is the whole process of large scale sunflower oil mill. If you want to build a sunflower oil mill plant, please contact us. Henan Doing has rich experience in the production of sunflower oil mill machinery, and will not let you down.

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