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How to make sesame oil with sesame oil production machine?

How to make sesame oil with sesame oil production machine?

Sesame oil is available naturally from sesame seeds. In terms of nutritional values, the oil contains very similar substances as those originally found in its seed form. It has calcium, copper, zinc, iron, magnesium, and more. This oil is commercially available, but you can apply the following extraction methods step-by-step to create homemade sesame oil.

How to make sesame oi is many business man focus. We can use sesame oil production machine to get sesame oil.

Sesame oil content is about 55%, it is very high. Usually people adopts press way to get sesame oil. First, cleaing sesame through cleaing sieve, magnetic drums, destoner etc is mainly to get rid of imprities like leaves, stone, etc. Then cooking, it is mainly for adjust sesame moisture and temperature, and also add sesame oil taste. Finally , we use press machine to press sesame, and get sesame oil.
In China, sesame oil does not need refinery, because after degumming, deacidification, decolorization, deodorization, sesame oil will lose the original good taste and good clolor, also remove sesame oil original moisture.

Our company is specialized in edible oil machine, including pretreatment and pressing equipment, edible oil refinery equipment, and solvent extraction equipment.


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