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How to process oil from rice bran? What equipment is needed?

Rice bran oil is the raw material of rice bran, a by-product of rice processing. It is typically obtained through either rice bran oil pressing equipment or rice bran oil solvent extraction equipment. Below, we will discuss these two types of rice bran oil process equipment in detail, and the rice bran oil process methods required.

Rice bran oil Rice bran oil

Rice bran oil pressing equipment

The rice bran oil pressing equipment is a commonly used rice bran oil process equipment. In this process, a series of pretreatment equipment is needed to clean and process the rice bran. Firstly, cleaning equipment such as bran selenium separator screen is used to remove impurities from the rice bran, ensuring higher oil quality in the processing . Next, a steam cooker is used to regulate temperature and humidity, improving the efficiency of oil process . Finally, a screw oil press is used to press the rice bran and process the crude oil. To obtain a purer crude oil, a plate filter can be used to remove impurities from the crude oil.

Small rice bran oi process lineSmall rice bran oi process line

Rice bran oil solvent extraction equipment

Rice bran oil solvent extraction equipment is another common rice bran oil process equipment. This method involves using chemical solvents to process the oil. The Rice bran oil solvent extraction equipment consists of the containing the former press plant, we call it the preprocessing. Firstly, the rice bran undergoes pre-pressing in the pre-pressing device to process a portion of the oil. The remaining rice bran cake goes into the oil extractor for further processing. During the oil extraction process, a solvent extractor is used to thoroughly mix the solvent with the oilseed.

The first part is the rotary extractor, which is one of the most important equipment in the entire plant, ensuring thorough mixing of the solvent with the oilseed. After 2 hours of mixing, the oilseed and the N- hexane, then you will get the oil mixed with solvent, which we call miscella and a wet meal.

The second step is wet meal decolonizing. The wet meal including the amount of the solvent is about 25%-35%. And this part of solvent can be recovered and reused. So we use the DTDC--desolventizer-toaster with integrated to separate the solvent from meal.

The third step is solvent evaporation and stripping. Through the process of evaporation and stripping, using equipment such as the first evaporator, second evaporator, and stripping column, the solvent in the oil is completely evaporated, resulting in pure oil.

The final step is solvent recovery, which is a crucial part. The gaseous solvent is converted into liquid form through a condenser and then recycled using a water tank. This helps to save costs and reduce environmental impact.

Rice bran oil solvent extraction equipmentRice bran oil solvent extraction equipment

If you are interested in how to extract rice bran oil or if you are considering investing in this business, please feel free to contact us. We will provide you with the highest quality equipment and professional advice

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