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Oilseed by-products meal and hulls

Soy hulls and sunflower shells removes before pressing are used as animal feed. Soy hulls are used as a replacement for corn or winter hay.
Seed meal is a valuable by-product of pressing oilseeds. Sesame seed cake is valuable as a human food. Sunflower seed cake is not suitable for people, but it makes a good addition to chicken, pig or cattle feed. It is quite high in crude protein, but contains very few carbohydrates. It should be used as a feed additive, not a feed by itself.
Canola, soy and safflower meal are also used as animal feed supplements. At the time of this writing, extensive camelina animal feeding trials are being conducted.

Dry matter basis
Camelina meal, nechanical extraction 91.5 36.5 14.1 88.6 0.97 0.64 19.2 0.38 0.77
Canola meal, mechanical extraction 90 41 7.4 76 0.8 0.52 16 0.6 0.94
Canola meal, mechanical extraction, On-farm press 92.6 36.9 14.1 88 1.09 0.77 NG 0.6 1.02
canola meal, solvent extraction 90 43.6 1.2 69 0.73 0.45 18 0.67 1
mustard meal, mechanical extraction 93 34.5 5.5 73 0.76 0.48 NG NG NG
safflower meal, mechanical extraction 91.9 23.5 7.2 56.1 0.55 0.25 NG 0.26 0.66
safflower meal, solvent extraction 92 25.4 1.1 57 0.55 0.29 41 0.37 0.81
soybean meal, mechanical extraction 90.7 46.7 5.2 84.9 0.94 0.62 NG 0.31 0.65
soybean meal, solvent extraction 89 49 1.2 84 0.94 0.64 NG 0.33 0.71
sunflower meal, mechanical extraction, On- farm press 93.1 23.6 19 90.5 1.13 0.8 NG 0.43 0.79
sunflower meal, solvent extraction 90 38.9 1 64 0.65 0.35 28 0.39 1.06
Abbreviations: DM= Dry Matter; TDN=Total Digestible Nutrients; Nem=Net Energy for Maintenance; Neg= Net Energy for Gain; CP= Crude Protein; ADF=acid detergent fiber; Ca=Calcium; P=Phosphorus;NG=Not Given

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