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How to manufacture soybean oil by solvent extraction method?

Soybean oil solvent extraction method is to use solvents like N-hexane to extract more oil out from processed oil seeds or oil cake. By this way, the final oil residue will be lower than 1% and the meal is more suitable for animal feed, so you can get more profit from it. Now more and more clients choose this kind of processing technology for soybean oil processing.

soybean oil extraction processSoybean oil extraction process flow chart by solvent extraction method

Usually the oil content rate of soybean is around 17%, that is why our clients tend to choose soybean oil solvent extraction method to process soybean when input capacity is above 30tons per day. Soybean oil solvent extraction method contains four main parts:

1. Soybean solvent extraction part: using N-hexane to react with oil seeds or cake, in order to extract more oil out, after the soybean oil solvent extraction method, you will get two parts: first is the mixture of solvents and oil called miscella oil; then is the mixture of solvents and meal called wet meal.

2. Wet meal DTDC system: DTDC means desolventizer, toaster, dryer and cooler, which is mainly used to separate the solvents from the wet meal, then the dried meal will be sent to meal silo for storage.

soybean oil solvent extraction plantThe four parts of soybean oil solvent extraction plant

3. Miscella oil treatment part: since miscella oil contains solvents, we need to separate the solvents from the crude soybean oil by first evaporation, second evaporation and stripping tower, then we can condensate the oil and pump it into crude oil tank, and you can choose to sell the crude oil to refinery factory or you can add a soybean oil refinery plant by yourself.

4. Solvents recovery part: Usually producing one ton crude soybean oil through the soybean oil solvent extraction method needs around 4kg solvents. Considering of cost-effectives and environmental protection, we add this system to recycle the solvents by condensing it and collecting it for reuse.

In fact, we have built this soybean oil solvent extraction plant in different regions and countries. Last time one of our old clients in Africa gave us feedback that by using the soybean oil solvent extraction method, and now his profit is much higher compared for just using single pressing method before. So if you are also interested in the soybean oil solvent extraction method, please contact us for more details.

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