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How to make rice bran oil milling plant?

Rice Bran and Its Structure:

rice bran structure

Rice bran structure

Rice bran is a mixture of rice bran layer after shelling and germ, rich in fat, is an important by-product of rice processing.In addition, rice bran oil low melting point, a small viscosity, a suitable oil film formation in the mouth, will have a pleasant sense of oil, will produce bad as butter cooled
The smell, not like canola oil so stick, cause pressure on the stomach. Therefore, rice bran oil is a high nutritional value and medicinal value.
Rice bran will be popular in the world, the main production area like, Bangladesh,India,China,Thailand,etc. There has been built many factory in Bangladesh,India.
Rice bran oil is also popular, its contents rich Oryzanol, rice bran protein,non-gmo, nice favor.

Manufacturing Process of Rice Bran Oil Milling Plant:
Generally speaking rice bran oil can be extracted by chemical solvents, or pressed directly from rice bran. Here we recommend small capacity rice bran oil milling plant can choose expelling pressing method, while large capacity take the solvent making technique. We have to mention that hot extraction method which would get more oil yield and purer edible oil than the cold pressing method. When refers to rice bran oil milling plant, the following three processing steps can not be ignored, they are raw material preparation, rice bran oil extraction and crude oil refining.

Description of 30t/d rice bran pre-treatment and extruding plant:
Rice bran-------cleaning-----soften----- extruding----- drying ----- solvent workshop

rice bran oil machine

Rice bran oil milling plant

The technology of rice bran oil milling plant including the main section ,as following:

1.30t/d rice bran pre-treatment and extruding plant workshop
2. 30t/d rice bran oil solvent extraction plant
3. 5t/d rice bran oil refining
4. 5t/d rice bran dewaxing processing




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