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How to run the sunflower oil production line?

Sunflower Oil Production Line is a complicated process which includ sunflower oil pretreatment and pressing workshop,sunflower oil solvent extraction workshop and sunflower oil reifning workshop.Now i will introduce sunflower oil production line to you:

1. Pretreatment workshop flow for sunflower oil production line
sunflower seed→ magnetic box → cleaning →crusher → flaking → sunflower oil press →sunflower oil filter → to extraction workshop

sunflower oil press line

Sunflower oil pretreatment and pressing workshop

2. Extraction workshop flow for sunflower oil production line
extractor → mixed oil → 1st and 2nd evaporation  → stripping tower → crude sunflower oil
          Wet meal → DTDC toaster →sunflower oil cake

oil solvent extraction process

Sunflower oil solvent extraction process

3. Refinery workshop flow for sunflower oil production line
Crude sunflower oil → degumming and deacidification→ decolorization →deodorization → refined sunflower oil.


oil reifning process
Sunflower oil reifning process

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