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how to extract oil from plants ?

Essential oil is a valued component of plants. It is used in cosmetics, aromatherapy and medicine. Pressurized stem extracts the volatile plant oils. The steam then cools into a liquid that contains both essential oil and the water used to extract it. This process, known as "distilling," is the same procedure used to make distilled alcoholic beverages.
How to extract oil from plants ? First step
1. Harvest plant material right before beginning the distillation process, to ensure it is at its freshest. Plants that sit after harvesting and before extracting essential oils can become desiccated and some of the essential oils can evaporate.
How to extract oil from plants ? Second step
2. Fill the still approximately half full with plain water.
How to extract oil from plants? Third step
3. Place plant materials in the "steam" basket of the still. The steam basket sits above the liquid, similar to a kitchen steamer for vegetables. Fill the steamer with the plant materials but do not pack them in tightly.
How to extract oil from plants ? Forth step
4. Place a receptacle under the outlet valve of the still to catch and hold the resulting liquid, which is a mixture of water and distilled plant oil. The oil will rise to the top and you can skim it off and separate it from the distilling water.
How to extract oil from plants ? Fifth
5. Put the still together, following the directions and procedures relative to your particular model.
How to extract oil from plants ? Finally
6. Turn on the heat source. Allow the still to extract the oil from the plant materials.
Above is a brief introduction of how to extract oil from plants. However, to extract oil from plants, some equipments are necessary and if you want to know more about oil extraction from plants, please feel free to contact us.

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