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What are the cooking oil extraction methods?

Various oil extraction methods are used in the manufacture and extraction of essential oils, and the method used is normally dependant on what type of botanical material is being used.

oil pressing machine

Vegetable oil pressing methods

oil extraction methods

Vegetable oil extraction methods

Vegetable lipids are usually obtained by solvent extraction and/or by pressing seeds and fruits of many plants, but supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) is currently becoming alternative method to conventional extraction with solvent. In recent years, claim for natural and organic products has been growing, and new clean technologies for producing natural ingredients have been developed. In fact, present attention is paid to the real quality of products and their potency, reliability and naturalness. Owing to the increasing demand in bioactive compounds from plant origin, new extraction methods was used to obtain products with high quality and safety features. The conventional extraction methods are time consuming, laborious, have low selectivity and/or low extraction yields, and possible solvent contamination of final products.

Supercritical fluid extraction allows to obtain extracts free of toxic residues that can be directly used, without any further treatment, and with excellent features and ultra-pure composition of final product.

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