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What is physical refining process of rice bran oil?

Economically designed Deodorizer and Physical Refining Plant for different Oil & Lower Capacities provides our company the edge. Physical Refining process of rice bran oil is necessary for the removal of Free Fatty Acid, and also to use Steam Distillation method at high temperature and under high vacuum; it’s then followed by Deodorization and before deodorization for removal of free fatty acid an extra Technical facility is also added.

Unacceptable odor due to Steam Deodorization process is removed through Steam Distillation; plus the Odoriferous Compounds are stripped off with the help of live injected steam into heated oil under high vacuum.

rice bran oil production process

Whole set of rice bran oil mill plant

The features of the Physical Refining & Deodorization are as follows:
    Large surface area exposure to vacuum.
    Minimum carry over of oil with fatty acids.
    Maximum heat recovery.
    Low steam consumption.
    No packing / filling material inside.
    No short circuit of oil in process.
    Practically - No Maintenance.
    No Trans-isomer generation.
    Quick & Maximum flexibility in feed material.
    Suitable temperature for addition of antioxidant


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